Cafeaplis — coffe + community @ minneapolis

WiFi and desktop vampire re-defined

Adrienne and I went to 2nd Moon tonight to do a little reading and computing. We sat in the back, which we had never done before. It was very nice and cozy.

As we walked in, we saw this fellow sitting near the front:
Using an iMac in a Coffee Shop

A guy working on a 20″ iMac.

Apparently, we’ve moved from just using laptops in cafes to using entire desktop computers. No doubt, the iMac is very easy to cary and plug in, but it seems a just little excessive to me. I think there is a point at which computing in public is not OK, especially given Blue Moon’s already noted problems with people working for too long.

Unless you own the coffee shop, this is socially unacceptable behavior.


  • Having carried a 20″ iMac on the commuter rail & subway to get it to the Apple store, I can report that, while portable for a _desktop_, they get awkward pretty fast on longer trips.

    So, yeah, weird.

  • That is redonkulous. Great job capturing the moment.

  • Is this at 2nd Moon or Blue Moon? You mention both but maybe the Blue Moon mention was unconnected to this incident.

  • The guy using the iMac was at 2nd moon. I was referencing the earlier post Adrienne made about Blue Moon’s wifi vampires at Blue Moon. Blue Moon and 2nd moon are under the same ownership.

  • Just saw this pop up in my RSS reader again for some reason — either way, still a great shot. Busted!

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